The Difference Between Soundproofing and Sound Dampening

Like most people, you may not know the difference between sound dampening and soundproofing. And that's okay – they are two terms often used interchangeably.

However, there are differences, and it's important to understand what each one does before you decide which one is right for your home or office.

In this blog post, we will explore the differences between sound dampening and soundproofing, as well as provide tips on choosing the right option for your needs!


First, let's start with a quick overview of each term:

Sound Dampening

Sound dampening reduces sound waves reflecting around your home studio room, usually for noise control purposes. Various methods, such as sound absorbing materials like acoustic panels, sound diffusors and specialized construction techniques, can achieve this.

Sound absorption panels are a great example of Sound dampening. The sound-absorbing panels are usually made of fiberglass, felt, polyester, or mineral wool and are available in various sizes and thicknesses.

Sound-absorbing acoustic panels help reduce ambient noise in various settings, like recording studios, home offices, and home theaters. An acoustic panel is great for reducing echos and slapbacks, thus increasing sound quality.

If you are looking for acoustic panels, consider lighted acoustic panels from AudiGlow.


Soundproofing is the process of reducing sound transfer from one environment to another. This can be done by either blocking the sound waves from entering or leaving a space or by absorbing the sound energy. In simple terms, it is meant to reduce or eliminate noise.

There are many ways to block noise in a room, but the most common method is to use sound insulation or soundproofing panels. Many high-end recording studios will put special insulation in their walls, and some even go as far as building air gaps between the inside walls and the outside walls to help soundproof their environments.

Less concerned with controlling sound in an environment, sound proofing is about eliminating the transfer of sound from one environment to another.

What Is The Difference?

The main difference between soundproofing and sound dampening is that soundproofing materials aim to block sound transmission completely. In contrast, sound-dampening materials are designed to reduce the amount of sound reflected.

Soundproofing materials include heavy materials like concrete, brick, or metal that can block sound. Sound-dampening materials usually consist of light materials like cotton or foam that can reduce the reflection and transmission of sound waves.

How to Choose the Right Option

There are a few factors to consider when deciding whether sound dampening or soundproofing is right for your needs, such as:

  • The type of noise you're trying to reduce: If you're trying to reduce low-frequency noise, such as the sound of traffic or construction, then soundproofing is your best bet. Sound dampening is a better option if you're trying to reduce high-frequency reflections, such as music or voices.
  • The space you're working with: Sound dampening is a better option if you have a small space that you will be working with audio in, such as a home office, home content studio or bedroom studio. Soundproofing is better if you are trying to block out sound (i.e. noisy neighbors or barking dogs).
  • Your budget: Soundproofing a room is usually more expensive than treating a room for sound. While sound dampening materials may help to tune a room, they won't help sound proof a room.

Sound Proofing vs. Sound Absorption

We hope this blog post has helped you understand the difference between sound dampening and soundproofing. If you are looking to treat your room for acoustics, AudiGlow™ panels are a perfect choice to tune your room and set a mood.

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